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Singer-songwriter Amy Hailsatone strums an acoustic guitar while singing into a microphone onstage.

Absolutely, You Can Learn to Sing!

6 min and 43 sec to read, 1679 words

Have you always wanted to learn to sing? Here are 7 key concepts to consider when starting or leveling up your sining.

Do you secretly dream of being on a stage in an exquisite gown or tuxedo, singing to an audience hanging on your every word?

Or maybe to be the star of the next karaoke night with your friends? Or start a rock band to play in the garage?

Whatever your dream, keep reading because I want to encourage you that … Absolutely, you can learn to sing!

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Amy Hailstone plays an acoustic guitar while singing on stage.

I’m Amy from Amy Hailstone Studios where I teach you to sing with less tension and more freedom. Some people think singing is a gift we’re either given or not given. Not true. Singing is for everyone. If you can speak, you can sing.

Perhaps you feel stuck and frustrated because you’re not making the progress you had hoped. Or maybe you feel like you’re too old, too busy, too afraid to fail or be judged. Also not true.

An example of what happens to many is they happily sang out loud and proud when they were kids until someone; probably an older adult, or maybe a bully made some snarky remark about their voice and they shut down. 

They decided right then and there that they couldn’t sing. Even though they loved it. Obviously, this scenario can happen in whatever art or sport the kid loved but decided it was too risky. Being judged or criticized hurts too much. 

This scenario sucks because I believe it happens to all of us at some point. At about 8 years old, we learn self-consciousness and become aware of what others think of us. So we learn to try and protect ourselves. We start forming our adult personality. And maybe leave some things that we love behind us.

Here’s an article expressing similar thoughts if you’d like to read more about this subject … here.

Start Where You Are

I believe you are exactly where you need to be. Life seems to work out that way. We become aware of what we want to learn at a specific time that is right for us to pursue it. And then start seeing great content and inspiration everywhere!

It’s like when you buy a new car and suddenly start seeing the same model everywhere. You might find a teacher online you resonate with. Or maybe there’s a teacher in your town who you could book a lesson with? Start learning. There is no hurry. This process can’t be rushed. I’ve tried! Trying to rush learning to sing will only lead to more frustration. We all progress in our own time. We have to accept where we are and just start or keep going.

Change Your Mindset

Believe that you can learn to sing, I want you to get excited about the possibilities of what your voice is capable of. The human voice is an incredible instrument, resilient and flexible. Be open to the possibilities. You can do more than you think you can.

Again, singing isn’t reserved for just a chosen few, or just for celebrities. It’s for everyone and it is a natural expression of being human. Singing comes from a deep desire to communicate. If you have this desire, I believe you can sing.

Here’s a link to another informative article on this subject:

Be Willing to Be Vulnerable

Being a singer takes courage. You have to be willing to be vulnerable and to fail. We have to let go of controlling everything and learn to trust more. Easier said than done right!? Every time we sing we risk being judged. But who cares? We have to get past the fear of judgment and failure to really learn to sing and perform well.

Learning to sing can feel like an uphill climb. We make weird sounds while training our voice to do new things and create muscle memory, then have to apply the techniques we’ve learned into actual songs and sing in front of other people. And yes, it will feel vulnerable. But sitting on the sidelines will never get us where we want to go.

How Singing is Viewed in Society

Not many other skills are praised as much or come with the expectation that one should just be able to ‘do’ without training or guidance. Think about almost any other skill, it’s a given that a person will go to school, or have a mentor or teacher to learn to expand on that skill. 

With singing, it seems people are just supposed to ‘know’ how to do it. But I would guess that 9 times out of 10, that’s not how it works. Even if we start off with some natural tendencies and talents, we STILL have to learn the principles and techniques of our art form like any other. 

By the way, I don’t think we ever stop learning. We never ‘arrive’ and then that’s it. I believe we’re always on a journey learning to be the best singers and artists we can be.

Women behind a microphone in a recording studio. Absolutely, you can learn to sing!

Learn new Habits to get you to Your Next Level

When I got my first gig right out of high school, I had to learn how to perform on stage and to learn songs quickly. It was a sink-or-swim situation and was an incredible learning experience for me. Playing 4 sets a night, 6 nights a week gave me a lot of experience in a short amount of time.

But as a ‘natural’ singer, I quickly felt my limitations. I thought my range was much smaller than it was. I would instinctively muscle up too much chest when singing high notes and would use too much volume. These are some typical bad habits of ‘natural’ or self-taught singers.

Over time, I knew I had to leave that band and expand my musical education for voice and guitar. So after a little over two years I left that band and went on to further my education. Maybe now is the time for you to move on to the next step in your musical education.

It doesn’t have to be a big move, maybe a book, a tutorial, talking with other singers you admire and asking questions, or finding a local teacher. Whatever feels right for you, take a small step forward.

I would like to offer you access to an exclusive video that will introduce you to some new concepts and exercises to help you gain healthy voice-building habits. Just click below and you’re in!

Online Learning

Being able to learn things online is incredible. But it can also be overwhelming and you might learn things in a weird order that might not make sense. Or maybe you learn a technique or exercise that might take you months or even years to master, and you think you should be able to do it much sooner. 

But fair warning: this stuff takes a lot of time. More than we’d like. And more than an online video might lead you to believe. Of course, how long it takes to learn something varies from person to person. But if learning online is your best bet right now, it is a great place to start. If you can also have some lessons in person with a teacher or coach, even better. The important thing is to start. It’s time to move forward on your dream of singing!

The word dream in all caps on a wall of greenry.

In Conclusion: Absolutely, You can Learn to Sing!

Are you just starting out as a singer? Or are you a ‘natural’ singer who feels like you have some limitations? Or maybe you’ve been studying for a while but still need to find that freedom you crave. You know it’s there but you can’t yet access it? You can learn new concepts and habits that can help you transform your singing and allow you more freedom.

I’m here to tell you that it is possible. Don’t give up. Start where you are. And never give up on your dream of being the singer you know you can be! 

Learn more about me here.

I Have a Gift For You!

I want to give you a gift for spending time with me today, just click below to access my exclusive video,

I will introduce you to concepts and exercises to help you learn healthy habits to build your voice on a solid foundation.

Being introduced to these concepts and voice-building exercises will set you miles ahead of the game!

It will introduce you to some more advanced concepts and practical voice-building exercises and advice.
Whether you’re a complete beginner or a more advanced singer this video will help you get to your next level.

The exercises shown are the same for beginners and the more advanced singers. 
Unlock your potential and become a confident performer with the right mindset and guidance.  Don’t let anything hold you back from pursuing your singing!

Interested in Learning to Play Guitar too?

If you’re interested in learning to play guitar or if you’ve been playing for a little while and want to level up your playing, I have an exclusive video for you too:

Where I teach you valuable information to set you up for success in your guitar playing.

Being able to accompany yourself while performing is a skill that will benefit you in many ways in your performing career. Start building your playing skills today.

Would you mind commenting below on your number one takeaway from this blog post?

All the Best!



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